How do you process the cutting of vinyl?

Qrates offers two types of vinyl processing.

DMM processing (Direct Metal Mastering)

DMM is our standard option, and we highly recommend this type of vinyl cutting. In this process, metal/copper plates have grooves cut into them. The galvanic procedure that follows is not as complicated as the process for lacquers, and we can make stampers/matrixes directly from these plates, which can then be used for pressing.

Lacquer processing

This is where lacquer foils (aluminum plates that have been coated with a layer of lacquer material) are used for cutting your grooves. Alternatively, you can send us your ready-cut lacquers. The procedure of processing lacquers is more complicated than DMM and involves a very risky and complicated galvanic procedure. 

In this type of vinyl cutting, there is a need to make an original, a mother, and then stampers/matrixes can be produced. Due to the complicated nature of the galvanics, there is a small chance that the lacquer can get damaged. If damage occurs, a new lacquer is needed to make the stampers. The complicated nature of this procedure means that we cannot guarantee perfect results from every lacquer, and as such additional payment may be necessary to produce another lacquer.

If you wish to process your vinyl cutting using a lacquer, please contact us directly.

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