Can I change the pledge amount, retail, or wholesale prices of my record?

If your project is still in the draft stage, you can change the pledge amount, retail, and wholesale prices of your record or cassette.

The moment you publish your project on Qrates is the moment that you present your project to the world.  At this point, you’ve thought through your ideal specifications and the presentation of your project and put everything together to give your customers an accurate idea of what your final product will be. 

Ideally, the pledge amount, retail, and wholesale prices you choose will be set and unchanged from this point until your project finishes. That said, we understand that there can be times when changing the price of your record or cassette after it is published is necessary.

As such, if you contact the Support Team through the dashboard on your project page, we will be able to change the pledge amount or prices of your project during the below periods of time after a project has been published:

For Crowdfunding projects:

  • If your project has has yet to receive any orders.

For Make and Sell projects:

  • If your project is in the pre-order stage and has yet to receive any orders.
  • If your project is in the Sell stage.

As an important note, Crowdfunding projects cannot reduce their pledge amounts below the project’s minimum required price.

As a second important note, lowering the retail or wholesale price of a Make and Sell project too far may result in net revenue loss for the project.

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