My campaign exceeded the initial goal. Can I update the pressing cost?

When the ordered quantity of your funding campaign exceeds the initial goal quantity by units of 100 copies, we can update the pressing cost to reflect the new production rates.

For example, if your initial goal quantity was 100 copies and your campaign ended at 200 copies, in that case, we could update the pressing cost to be based on production rates for 200 copies. However, if your initial goal quantity was 100 copies and your campaign ends at 150 copies, the initial production rates based on 100 copies would remain.

Please note that any pressing cost updates will occur 8 days after the project's end date. Pressing quantities are finalized at that time due to our payment policy for backers with failed payments.

Related articles:

What happens if a backer's payment failed?

Can I edit the details of my crowdfunding project after it launched?

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